We are looking for volunteers for out event. We have a range of jobs you can help with. No experience needed for some of the jobs. Come along and join the fun.

Call to Action

Volunteer for Steering the Course

These are the volunteering roles we need help with from May 26 to June 1st.

June 1st – Our safety boat drivers must have a PVOL and some experience driving ribs. Our mark layers also need experience of mark laying. Assistant safety boat drivers and mark layers need no experience but need to be comfortable on a rib and be able to swim!

June 1st – We are looking for an experienced race officer and assistant race officer for the regatta. We also need people to help out on Hebe One to finish boats and collect results. No experience necessary for these roles.

June 1st – We also need volunteers to man the reception desk, sign people in on the day and sell t-shirts on the 1st June. This is a land based job and no experience is necessary.

May 28th – If you would have some ideas about how to entertain girls between 4 and 16. Or if you would like to help run some after school activities for the girls after they have done watersports on Wednesday May 28th then please sign up using our form.

I would be happy to help with any of the following